Project pound


4.11  —  2024-01-03
* Combining multi-value headers

HTTP protocol allows for certain headers to appear in the message
multiple times.  Namely, multiple headers with the same header name
are permitted if that header field is defined as a comma-separated
list.  The standard specifies that such fields can be combined in
a single "header: value" pair, by appending each subsequent field
value to the previous one, each separated by a comma.

Pound is able to perform such combining on incoming requests as well
as on responses.  To enable this feature, declare names of headers
that can be combined using the CombineHeader statement, e.g.:


Pound distribution includes file "" which declares all
multiple-value headers in a form suitable for inclusion to the main
pound configuration file.  This file is installed in the package
data directory, which is normally /usr/local/share/pound or
/usr/share/pound, depending on the installation prefix used.

* SNI in HTTPS backends

New directive ServerName is provided for use in Backend section after
HTTPS statement.  This directive sets the host name to be used in server
name identification (SNI).  Its argument is a quoted string specifying
the host name.  This directive also rewrites the Host: header
accordingly.  Example usage:

	Port 443
	ServerName ""

* "Cert" statement in "ListenHTTPS" section

Argument to the "Cert" statement in "ListenHTTPS" section can be
the name of a directory containing certificate files.  All files from
that directory will be loaded.

Pound is a reverse proxy, load balancer and HTTPS front-end for Web servers. It was developed to enable distributing load among several Web-servers and to allow for a convenient SSL wrapper for those Web servers that do not offer it natively.

Pound was originally developed by Robert Segall at Apsis GmbH. I took over its development when Robert announced that he abandons it.