Project dico


2.12  —  2024-12-31
* The gcide module

** idxgcide skips duplicated headwords

** Fixed some gcide entities, introduced missing ones

** Fixed Ancient Greek transliteration

** New option: "watch"

When supplied, the module will watch for modifications in the
dictionary corpus files and rebuild the index file when necessary.

** HTML output

HTML output is enabled by the "html" module option.  It is produced
only after "OPTION MIME" command command.

* Input conversions

The argument to DEFINE or MATCH command can optionally be modified
before being used in actual search.  This allows, for example, to
input search terms in transliteration instead of in the actual script.

Conversions are implemented by loadable modules and are associated
with individual databases.

This version is shipped with the new module "greek_kbd", which
implements Greek transliteration.

* Dicoweb

** Switch to Python 3.11+ with type hints
** Upgrade Django to version 4.2
** Improve desktop and mobile views using HTML5
** Implement a dark mode
** Use Poetry and pyproject.toml
** Integrate Pylint and Mypy for development
** Implement various fixes and improvements

* pcre module now requires libpcre2

Support for obsolescent libpcre has been withdrawn.

* Bugfixes

** GCIDE indexer

** Fix premature freeing of search argument in Python iterators

GNU Dico provides a flexible modular implementation of dictionary server, a number of modules for it, and a console based dictionary lookup utility. A Web interface is also available.