Slackware system utilities

Utilities for Slackware GNU/Linux distribution: building, packaging, administration.

To facilitate navigating in this list, projects are categorized by their purpose, authorship, and current state. Each project entry lists the categories it pertains to. Clicking on a category name will bring a listing of all projects in that category.

Additionally, a list of related projects is provided where applicable. Each element in that list is a link to the corresponding project entry.

Clicking on a project's name will bring this project's entry as a separate page (a permalink).

Hovering your mouse over the version information of a project shows the list of changes introduced by that version.

Sort controls below allow you to order the list either lexicographically or by the most recent release date, in both directions.

Using the Search control, you can select projects by name. Shell-style globbing patterns (wildcards) are accepted.

(Return to the project listing)


(Not released)

A builder for Slackware packages.

Related projects:


(Not released)

Formats a slack-desc file for Slackware package.

Related projects:


Version: 2.3  —  2022-04-30
* Support for Slackware 15.0

Upgrades the Slackware installation to a new release. Two upgrade types are supported. In normal upgrade only packages already installed on the system are upgraded. In full upgrade, all packages from the new release are installed. A combination of the two can be achieved by supplying a list of additional Slackware series when running the normal upgrade.