Software Categories
This page summarizes software by categories. Each category lists its short name, description, and a list of projects in it. Clicking on a category name or description will bring a detailed listing of projects in that category.
The project –> category relationship is a many-to-many one, so that a project may pertain to more than one category.
- archive — Archivation Software
This category gathers projects related to file archivation, i.e. creation and handling of files keeping a collection of files along with their metadata.
Related projects: 4
- auth — Authentication Software
This category contains projects related to authentication.
- database — Database Software
Projects for database management and related tasks.
- decom — Decommissioned Project
These projects are decommissioned. No further development nor support is planned for them.
- devel — Program Development
This category gathers projects related to program and web-page development.
Related projects: 33
Apache::Config::Preproc, Apache::Defaults, Config::AST, Config::HAProxy, Config::Parser, Config::Parser::ldap, Config::Proxy, File::BackupCopy, List::Regexp, Mojo::Log::Syslog, POSIX::Run::Capture, aspell-gcide, cflow, extrans, gamma, gdbm, gint, gitaclhook, grecs, gws, imprimatur, mix, mockmta, podiff, releaselogparser, runcap, slackdesc, tpnotify, webtools, wikitrans, wit, xenv, xmltools
- doc — Documentation
Programs for creating and viewing documentation.
Related projects: 2
- emu — Emulators
Emulators provide a way to run binaries from other operating systems.
- evol — Branch of Another Project
These projects are branches of other people software.
- fin — Finished Project
These projects are finished, i.e. I am entirely satisfied with their functionality and see nothing that could be added to or removed from them.
Related projects: 3
- gitmod — Git submodule
Packages designed for use as git submodules
- gnu — Official GNU Software
Software that forms part of the GNU project.
- gray — Sergey Poznyakoff Software
These are the projects of which I am the primary author.
Related projects: 103
Apache::Config::Preproc, Apache::Defaults, Config::AST, Config::HAProxy, Config::Parser, Config::Parser::ldap, Config::Proxy, File::BackupCopy, List::Regexp, Mojo::Log::Syslog, NetSNMP::Sendmail, Text::Locus, acmeman, addts, aspell-gcide, beam, certmon, cflow, cfpeek, dico, direvent, dnstools, eclat, ellinika, fileserv, gamma, genrc, gint, gitaclhook, glacier, go-gdbm, grayupload, grecs, grot, gsc, gwebgal, gws, haproxy-bulkredirect, hostproc, idest, imapbin, imprimatur, ion, ipacct, joh, jumper, kbdlock, lua-idna, m4kwargs, mailfromd, mangemanche, mansrv, mbar, micron, mockmta, mysqlstat, nssync, pam-modules, pies, ping903, podiff, purgedir, radius, releaselogparser, rex, rpipe, runasimi, runcap, rush, sargon, slackbuilder, slackdesc, slackupgrade, slb, slogin, slowo, smap, swis, swu, syslogrelay, tagr, tallyman, tpnotify, varnish-mib, vcl-mode, vcsync, vmod-basicauth, vmod-binlog, vmod-dbrw, vmod-dict, vmod-geoip, vmod-remoteip, vmod-sql, vmod-tbf, vmod-variable, webtools, wikitrans, wit, wordsplit, wydawca, wyslij-po, xenv, xmltools
- lib — Library
Projects in this category are library software.
Related projects: 25
Config::AST, Config::HAProxy, Config::Parser, Config::Parser::ldap, Config::Proxy, File::BackupCopy, aspell-gcide, gamma, gdbm, gint, go-gdbm, grecs, gsc, gws, imprimatur, inetutils, m4kwargs, mailutils, pam-modules, paxutils, releaselogparser, runcap, wikitrans, wit, wordsplit
- lingua — Linguistic Software
These are projects related to linguistics, translation, or learning natural languages.
- mail — Electronic Mail Processing
This category gathers projects related to various aspects of electronic mail handling.
- mfmod — Mailfromd modules
Loadable modules for mailfromd
Related projects: 3
- netsnmp — NetSNMP Modules
Various modules for NetSNMP
Related projects: 6
NetSNMP::Sendmail, hostproc, mysqlstat, tallyman, varnish-mib, varnishsnmp
- network — Networking Software
Programs related to networking.
- perl — Perl Modules and Utilities
Perl modules and utilities.
- puszcza — Software related to Puszcza or Savane source forge
These are programs that are used in Puszcza source forge, or inspired by it, or in some way related to Puszcza or Savane.
Related projects: 7
grayupload, micron, rpipe, rush, syslogrelay, vcsync, wydawca
- slackware — Slackware system utilities
Utilities for Slackware GNU/Linux distribution: building, packaging, administration.
Related projects: 3
- system — System Programs
Related projects: 61
Apache::Config::Preproc, Apache::Defaults, NetSNMP::Sendmail, acmeman, anubis, beam, certmon, cfpeek, cpio, dico, direvent, dnstools, eclat, fileserv, genrc, glacier, grot, gsc, hostproc, inetutils, ipacct, jumper, kbdlock, mailfromd, mailutils, mangemanche, micron, mysqlstat, nssync, pam-modules, pies, ping903, pound, purgedir, radius, rex, rpipe, rush, slackbuilder, slackupgrade, slb, slogin, smap, swu, syslogrelay, tagr, tallyman, tar, varnish-mib, varnishsnmp, vcsync, vmod-basicauth, vmod-binlog, vmod-dbrw, vmod-remoteip, vmod-sql, vmod-tbf, vmod-variable, wydawca, wyslij-po, xenv
- upload — Uploading software
Programs that upload tarballs or similar entities to remote servers or that receive such uploads on the server side.
Related projects: 5
- user — User Software
Related projects: 10
addts, aspell-gcide, grayupload, idest, ion, purgedir, tallyman, tpnotify, vcl-mode, xenv
- varnish — Varnish Modules and Utilities
Modules and other utilities for Varnish Cache.
Related projects: 13
acvmod, varnish-mib, varnishsnmp, vcl-mode, vmod-basicauth, vmod-binlog, vmod-dbrw, vmod-dict, vmod-geoip, vmod-remoteip, vmod-sql, vmod-tbf, vmod-variable